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Found Poem for Star 82 Review 7.3

This is the twenty-seventh poem created from either the first two or last two words from each written piece in an upcoming issue of Star 82 Review. I am told that this type of collage poem, that merges words from several writers, has an actual name, a "Cento," Latin for "patchwork." Here is the poem that unites the community of writers that will appear in issue 7.3, upcoming mid-September or so.

Look over
a straw
person’s day

The new
night outside
has pockets
of wind

to dance
Over untended
eggs, cooling

we sung
to help
at all

been reading
Big angels
can beget
from perfect
ghosted companion

The call
to life
be together
just be

This was
nice even

Old West
court martial
We thought
wrong before

I leave
your feet

platters filled


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