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Showing posts from December, 2022

Star 82 Review Best Small Fictions Nominations for 2022

And there are more to nominate: Sonder Press runs their contest for Best Small Fictions Anthology each year, asking editors to nominate five short works of fiction, micro fiction, prose poems, haibun, and the like, all under 1000 words. Here are the nominations from Star 82 Review for 2022. Good luck everyone! And happy new year and love to all. 10.1 Sailboat by Barbara Diehl The Real Deal by Chris Bullard 10.2 Bambooza by Jennifer Lai 10.3 Chrysalises by Amy Marques Wintering Sun by Jessie Lian

Star 82 Review Pushcart Prize Nominations from 2022

Here are the six nominations for the Pushcart Prize from Star 82 Review issues published in 2022. Good luck! There is always so much good work from which to choose. Contributors, nominated or not, I love you all. Keep writing! 10.1 Child in Need of Services by Amanda Skofstad 10.2 Bambooza by Jennifer Lai In My Desk by Shira Musicant 10.3 Chrysalises by Amy Marques 10.4 Eggshell by Kathryn Ganfield Cautious Your Asks by Ranney Campbell

Star 82 Review 10.4 Is Here!

The latest issue of Star 82 Review , 10.4, is now available online and in print. A thoughtful collection of poetry, art, collage poetry, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction. Huge thanks to all the contributors, online readers, and print-version subscribers. It's just me here, and I can't do it without you! Star 82 Review 10.4 online is here . Star 82 Review 10.4 print copies at Lulu here . (If you would like to receive quarterly notifications that also feature early-bird discounts, please sign up at the pop-up window on the magazine's website.) Contributors Jeffrey Armbruster Leslie Benigni Kay Bradner Ranney Campbell Martha Christina Kathryn Ganfield Paul Hostovsky James Croal Jackson Phebe Jewell jade rose king Frances Klein Jerry Krajnak Jennifer Lai Daniel Lehan Kristina Nobleman M Patrick Riggin Daryl Scroggins Ian C Smith Richard Weaver

Star 82 Review 10.4 in Production: Reading for Spring 11.1

We've got some great art and writing coming up in the 10.4 December issue of Star 82 Review , now in production and on track for a mid/late release. As we head into the holiday season, please do keep sending your best art and writing for consideration for a spring 11.1. Guidelines, as always, are here . More nominations will be upcoming for various awards. Stay tuned!