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Star 82 Review 7.1 is Live!

Star 82 Review Spring Issue, 7.1 Is Now Available!

& in lovely

7.1 Contributors
Frances An, Ann Calandro, Simona Carini, Thad DeVassie, Jessica Dunne, Michelle Geoga, Olivia Germann, Howie Good, Elancharan Gunasekaran, Chelsea Humphries, David Johnson, David Koehn, Ron. Lavalette, Richard LeBlond, Erana Leiken, Ray Liversidge, Herbert Woodward Martin, Yoram Naslavsky, Simon Perchik, Rebecca Resinski, Anne Hicks Siberell, Michael Thompson, Phoebe Thomson, John Van Kirk, Nicholas Yingling

Thank you to all our contributors and supporters! If you would like to be notified and receive a discount on future pre-publication print copies, consider signing up at the sidebar at this blog or at the pop-up window at


  1. Very pleased to be included. Fine work throughout! Salute to my fellow contributors, and huge thanks to Alisa et al for selecting me. I'm expecting my hard copy in the mail today (if I can trudge through the 15" of new snow to the mailbox).

  2. Ron.,
    You are very welcome! Good to have you again!


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