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Tips for the 3rd Person Bio

A short bio shows confidence and is more likely to be read. Many things that you do are important and meaningful, but not all of them need to go into your bio. Before you submit your work somewhere, take a look at how the bios are structured. For a writer, a basic third-person bio would include about 50-75 words, with one sentence for each point:

  • Your name and who you are and/or what you do.
  • Book publication (if you have one or more: title of work plus press name in parentheses is good).
  • 3-5 magazines where your work appears. The list can say "among others" or "in various magazines including" to point out that there are more.
  • If you won an award, by all means, you can add that, but nominations are fairly common, so leave them out. 
  • Top it off with your geographical location and
  • Maybe one quirk or interest for flavor.
An artist' bio often includes a statement about a specific work or about the artist's philosophy in general. That makes it a little different, and sometimes a little longer, up to 100 words. One sentence for each unless otherwise noted.
  • Your name and who you are and your medium or media.
  • 1-3 sentences that describe your work, approach, technique, or interests (portraits, nature, textures, frogs).
  • An exhibition, collections, residencies, awards (one sentence: 3-5, total of the list).
  • Your geographical location.
Really, the best way to write one is to examine the publication you are interested in and read the bios there. For Star 82 Review, just keep it simple, and let your work speak for you!

A related post is here.


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