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Showing posts from September, 2021

Nominations for Best of the Net 2020-2021

 I love all the work that I publish in Star 82 Review , so it is always difficult to nominate only a handful for various contests. Here are the nominations for 2020-2021 Best of the Net , covering eligible issues 8.3, 8.4, 9.1, and 9.2, and from Star 82 Press, to the fullest extent allowed. To all the contributors ever, listed or not: thank you for your continuing interest and support of *82 Review; you are appreciated and loved. Good luck to all the nominees! POETRY Sleep Study by Heikki Huotari Making Up by Trivarna Hariharan When Trapped by Christian Hanz Lozada The Boxer by Sandra Kacher Rain by M.C. Aster Nostalgia by Deonte Osayande STORIES The Kiss by Simon Howells Hidden Teeth by Rachel Prizant Kotok NONFICTION Super Human by Nam Hoang Tran Gypsy Taxi by Lindsey LeCroy ART The Pool by Cara Goldstein Saying Goodbye by Lia Mageira Still Life with Reflecting Globe by Geonni Banner

Star 82 Review 9.3 Is Live!

Fall issue, Star 82 Review 9.3 is now available free online here . Or support the magazine and hold a print copy in your hand by getting one or more from print-on-demand publisher, Lulu here . Many thanks to all the contributors for our thirty-fifth issue.

Star 82 Review 9.3 in Progress

I think I can, I think I can. Star 82 Review 9.3 is in progress, the first proof ordered and received. We're looking toward a mid- to late-September release; it has been a busy month. This editor currently has an art exhibition you can peek at here .